From Waterfall to Agility: Embracing Change and Collaboration in Software Development


6 min read

From Waterfall to Agility: Embracing Change and Collaboration in Software Development

Agile development has emerged as a game-changing methodology in today's dynamic software development landscape, empowering teams to excel in an ever-evolving environment.

In this article, we delve into the world of Agile development, exploring how it revolutionizes software engineering. Discover how Agile enables software engineers to adapt, deliver exceptional quality, and thrive in the face of constant change.

What is Agile development?

Before delving into the technical meaning of agile development, we will first look at the general meaning of agile, which will help us better grasp the concept.

Agile simply means continuous incremental improvement through small and frequent releases.

Agile development is described as an approach that requires building things smartly and flexibly, making it possible to make changes at any point in time.

Why Agile development? How different is it from the Traditional or prescriptive models?

Agile development, as an iterative and incremental approach to software development, emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and the rapid delivery of working software. It emerged as a response to the limitations of traditional or prescriptive models of software development, such as the Waterfall model.

In contrast, traditional or prescriptive models like the Waterfall model follow a sequential and linear approach. They involve a rigid set of phases, where each phase depends on the completion of the previous one. Traditional models typically require detailed upfront planning and documentation, making accommodating changes and adapting to evolving requirements challenging.

Agile development is important because it helps teams complete a project on time and within an allocated budget. It also helps improve communication between engineers, the owner of the project, and end-users. It also helps developers work on complex projects by breaking them down into smaller chunks. This also allows developers to make swift changes without affecting the overall software project.

Core Values of Agile Development

Agile development is a modern iterative software methodology that software engineering teams can adapt to their projects. It involves four core values upon which it was founded.

These core values are as follows:

  1. Valuing People and Effective Communication: Agile development emphasizes the importance of people and effective communication among software team members, recognizing that skills, collaboration, and effective communication are essential for efficient work.

  2. Prioritizing Working Software: Agile development places priority on delivering working software over extensive documentation. The main goal for software engineers is to ensure that the product functions and meets its requirements rather than solely focusing on extensive documentation.

  3. Emphasizing Customer and End-User Collaboration: Agile development values collaboration between software engineers and customers or end users. It prioritizes effective collaboration to achieve a workable product that satisfies end-user needs rather than emphasizing contract negotiations or the benefits to the engineers themselves.

  4. Embracing Flexibility and Iterative Planning: Agile development acknowledges that challenges may arise during development, leading to necessary changes. However, it recognizes the presence of a definite plan or framework guiding the entire development process. Agile encourages software engineers to plan iteratively in smaller, flexible chunks that can be adjusted based on end-user feedback.

Agile Methodologies

Agile methodologies simply refer to the approaches and methods used in the agile development framework. The methodology provides developers with guidelines on how to implement agile guidelines effectively.

Some of the popular methodologies currently used include:

  • Scrum

    This methodology involves breaking down the project into smaller sprints or parts. The team working on the project at a specified time sets milestones to complete a particular sprint. Since it is a methodology implemented by members of a team, it comes along with its roles, which include Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team, and activities such as sprint planning and product backlog.

  • Kanban

    Unlike Scrum, Kanban focuses on presenting a visual representation of the work on a Kanban board, representing different stages of the work. Kanban methodology is focused on reducing bottlenecks while promoting transparency.

  • Dynamic System Development Method

    This is an agile framework that focuses primarily on iteratively delivering projects by prioritizing business value and customer collaboration. This methodology divides the project into fixed-time modules called time boxes, resulting in a deliverable product.

  • Lean Software Development

    What is focused on with lean development is reducing batch sizes, thereby reducing cycle times and thus increasing potential learning points over time.

Useful Agile Practices and Features

  • Sprints: They are considered time-boxed iterations in agile development. Sprints provide a framework for executing a project in small increments with periods between 1 and 4 weeks. During each sprint, the team picks up one functionality at a time, and the milestone of completing it within the specified period begins.

  • Daily meetings: Daily meetings are organized in which the team shares updates on their progress, challenges they are encountering, and how best to resolve them. The reason for the daily meeting is that it helps team members have a fair idea of the progress of the team and also promotes effective communication amongst team members.

  • Backlog management refers to a list of functionalities and features that need to be worked on. Backlog management ensures that the team prioritizes and works on important parts of the projects.

  • User stories: This refers to descriptions of a feature or particular functionality from the perspective of the end user. This allows software engineers to track their workflow based on what will satisfy the end user.

Challenges with Agile development

Although Agile development is preferred as compared to traditional methods such as waterfall, it also has its downsides. Some of these downsides include:

  1. Agile development does not focus much on documentation. Now the reason for documentation in software development is for easy maintainability and knowledge transfer. Since agile development does not prioritize documentation. Software maintenance is challenging.

  2. As mentioned earlier, agile development values a project being worked on in small iterations and sprints. This may lead to incomplete software and some functionalities not being well developed since the team focuses more on core functionalities.

  3. Agile development values teamwork in cases where members do not fully commit to the work. It becomes difficult to complete the project, or few members are burdened with the entire project.

Real-Life Applications of Agile Development

Some real-life applications of agile development methodology are considered below:

  • One popular name we might want to consider for implementing agile methodology is Google, which develops most of its products.

  • Microsoft has also adopted Scrum in its software development. They have incorporated this into one of their working frameworks, which is utilized by their team of engineers.

  • Amazon and Spotify have adopted this methodology as well.


As much as agile development may have its downsides, it has proven to be a very beneficial methodology compared to other traditional methodologies that aid software engineers and teams to work collaboratively while dividing the project into smaller chunks. This helps to deliver satisfying products to end-user clients and also facilitates teamwork amongst members of the team, fostering healthy relationships.

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